- ac-joint
- achilles-tendon
- ankle
- back-of-knee
- bicep
- calf
- elbow
- finger-jam
- general-knee
- gluteus
- groin
- hamstring
- hip-flexor
- inner-knee
- lower-back
- neck
- lower-knee
- outside-knee
- bottom-of-foot
- quad
- rotator-cuff
- shin
- shoulder-treatment
- wrist
- spine-back
- tennis-elbow
- ankle-foot
- back-neck
- knee
- calf-quad
- shoulder-treatment
- kinesiology-tape-removal
Welcome to the STRENGTHTAPE® application instructions. We’ve included both videos and step-by-step tutorials that are perfect for everyone from the first-time taper to the experienced pro who just needs a quick refresher course. We’ve made it easy to follow-along, pause, and find your place in the videos with simple, numbered steps. Or, if you just need a quick refresher, jump to the step-by-step instructions to quickly get up to speed on how to tape.