
Welcome to the STRENGTHTAPE® application instructions. We’ve included both videos and step-by-step tutorials that are perfect for everyone from the first-time taper to the experienced pro who just needs a quick refresher course. We’ve made it easy to follow-along, pause, and find your place in the videos with simple, numbered steps. Or, if you just need a quick refresher, jump to the step-by-step instructions to quickly get up to speed on how to tape.

Application Instructions
AC JointAchilles TendonAnkleBack of KneeBicepCalfGeneral ElbowFinger JamGeneral KneeGluteusGroinHamstringHip FlexorInner KneeLower BackNeckLower KneeOutside KneeBottom of FootQuadRotator CuffShinShoulderWristSpine/BackOuter Elbow

Kit Related Instructions
Ankle + FootBack + NeckKneeCalf + QuadShoulderOverview

Other Instructions
Tape Removal